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Registration has closed for the 12th Annual Market Development Forum

CESA’s exclusive Annual Market Development Forum brings together 200 executives (CESA members and special invited guests) for an intimate meeting focused on growing the ecosystem for grid connected energy storage in California. This premier event provides direct access to high-level executives from equipment manufacturers, project developers, CAISO, the CPUC, the CEC, and the major investor owned and publicly owned utilities, as well as California Community Choice Aggregators.


Agenda and Esteemed Speakers


Day 1: February 24, 2021


Keynote and Fireside Chat with Elliot Mainzer

President and CEO of the California Independent System Operator


Panel 1: The DER End Game: What are we working towards?


Panel 2: The (Wholesale) Price of Reliability with Audience Q&A


Day 2: February 25, 2021

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Keynote and Fireside Chat with Edward Randolph

Deputy Executive Director for Energy and Climate Policy, California Public Utilities Commission


Panel 1: Distribution Resiliency

Panel 2: Building a Storage Portfolio

Annual Member Meeting: February 25, 1-3:30pm

Directly following Day 2 of the Market Development Forum programming, we hosted our Annual Member Meeting. This event provided an opportunity for CESA members to review and inform CESA 2021 advocacy and policy priorities, and hear from California utilities and CCAs on their energy storage procurement plans.

Featured Procurement Panelists

MDF was made possible through the generosity of our sponsors

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